Data Path

  • A Calendar Bird’s Eye View

    I’ve been using my company’s paper calendar (the ones they distribute) to mark my project’s research, development schedules, deployment phases, support events, appointments, personal events, holidays, whatever. I like to have a view of the whole year; visualising the months ahead is great to preview stuff, but looking back at the past months is great […]

  • Busy times

    Bolas, não tenho tempo nem para me coçar… entre a construção da casa nova e o trabalho só me sobra um bocadinho de tempo para tratar da minha raposita… e mal chega. Apreciem: tenho na cave dois Spectrum +2 e um Amiga 1200 que comprei no eBay. Ainda não os testei sequer! Isto não é […]

  • Electric runner

    I don’t think we’ll be driving full electric cars in the next 2 years (although I really hope so), simply because of the petrol lobby. At least, not with a decent range (500Km or more). So I think the closest we can get is to drive a plug-in hybrid, something we can charge overnight and […]

  • Giant leap lost in time

    What happened to the “giant leap for mankind”? When I was a kid, I thought we would be much more advanced in space exploration by now. I checked the Lunar Exploration Timeline… 40 years have gone by, and I see no obvious evolution from that amazing Apollo 11 feat. I used to dream about space […]

  • Everybody’s home

    I’m baffled by this great documentary I say on TV last night, “HOME”. You should go see it, when you have some free time, it’s freely available on the internet (or, better yet, purchase it in high definition on Blueray). It talks about our collective home, planet Earth, and what we’ve done to our resources, nature and […]

  • Software : How it should NOT be done

    It’s impressive how some big name software developers still are so complaisant with utterly absurd limitations. This is a screen capture of the installation of a big industrial brand software for configuring their measuring hardware (fluid flow, level, temperature, etc). “This will change your system permanently. While installing system components your computer may restart without […]

  • Desculpa Pisco!

    Afinal sempre temos um animal de estimação! Desculpa Pisco!   O Pisco é um canário, lindo como nenhum, e muito reguila! Adora cantar e tomar banho; está numa gaiola modesta (é mais pequena do que eu gostaria, situação que vai mudar brevemente), mas defende-a como um falcão! Grande Pisco! 😉

  • Vamos fazer amigos entre os animais!

    O título deste post evoca uma música de um programa que eu adorava quando era miúdo: a Arca de Noé. Era um programa infantil, centrado nos animais, e que era absolutamente maravilhoso. A música era espectacular, punha miúdos e graúdos a cantar, e a letra era muito gira:  Vamos fazer amigos entre os animais, que […]

  • Home, Smart Home

    Although people are starting to take a better look at home automation (or domotics), there is still this idea that domotic are expensive, dispensable and a luxury. A mere toy, one that is quickly forgotten and seldomly used. And from what I’ve seen, they seem to be right. Today, I’m starting to build my house. […]

  • Indicator whoes

    Last week my 11-year-old Rover 200 iS just lost it’s indicators. The hazards also didn’t work. This weekend I found some free time to look at the problem. The indicators did not light up when the stalk was moved. No green arrows on the dashboard. The hazards switch lit up the triangle on the dashboard, […]

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