Data Path
My house is growing up
My super-secret project advances pretty well! Ok, so my home automation project is not that super secret anymore, but the progress is definitely there. The network of nodes is working perfectely, lighting and blinds control is 100% done in terms of logic (I still need to prettify these elements visually), as are the temperature sensors. […]
A iluminação Pública sobre outra luz
Não é meu costume, mas aqui vai um link para um video que demonstra como a iluminação pública devia ser: ArquiLED Espero que neste país comecem a investir mais em coisas que valham a pena, e não apenas a esbanjar dinheiro em coisas estúpidas, que parecem ser “inventadas” só para encher os bolsos a determinados […]
See you later, Codebits!
Because I will definitely be there again, next year! I loved everything about the experience: the spirit, the adrenalin, the retro-area the sharing of knowledge, coding on unknown languages and platforms… against the clock! Yes, even the pizza, hamburgers, Vitamin Water, the fruit, the salads… there was a lot of variety this year, and that […]
I’m all green today…
… and leapy and croacky! Codebits is amazing!
Riding the stream… to Codebits!
I’m aboard an Alpha Pendular train, heading for the Pavilhão Atlântico, to attend Codebits! I’m taking some clothing, some retro gear, my laptop and a lot of will to learn, teach and have fun! All this while listening to “Riding the Stream” from Bjorn Linne. It’s from one of my favourite games of the time: […]
Server down. Culprit: dust.
My server went down yesterday! 😮 It was when I came to it to program a bit more on my Arduclema guinea pig that I realized it was off. I quickly opened the case (a 1.5-second affair on this dual-processsor PowerMac G4 MDD) to see if something was horribly wrong, and I saw the problem […]
Notes and ideas: capturing the æther
I’m in search of a note-taking software. Here are my notes 🙂 on what I’d like the software to do (aka features): * Keep text-based notes, with a flexible editor (embbed/link images, video, PDFs, spreadsheets, etc). * Video note-taking (aka Flink’s Help Files 🙂 ), with automatic speech-to-text processing (creates a text document associated to […]
I’ve always been a Rebol, anyway
Some years ago, when I went to University, I preached to anyone that would listen about Java’s greatest virtues. I was a true Java evangelist, but people mocked me and said I was nuts. I can still hear myself back then: “But it’s an object oriented language, WORA! The platform is one of it’s strenghs, […]
Andromeda Ascendant
Tenho mixed feelings por esta série de ficção científica; adoro a ideia, a nave, a história de background (ou não tivesse sido o Gene Roddenberry a imaginá-las), e a primeira season foi boa na globalidade, mas depois os episódios começam a parecer um pouco “forçados”, sem ligação, pouco credíveis e até vazios… principalmente a partir […]
Muito movimento
Há pouco tempo comecei a procurar sensores de movimento para o meu projecto ultra-secreto; mas nas lojas aqui da zona (electrónica, electricidade, chinesas…), só encontro sensores com alimentação de 230V, alguns até preparados apenas para ligar uma carga de 230V (o neutro da carga é comum com a alimentação). Ora eu preciso de sensores com […]
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